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Golden Hill

 School Division


    GHSD offers different kinds of programmes to meet local and international students’ demands. More importantly, ESL (English as Second Language) course is also provided to international students for their academic English improvement. Briefly, three academic programmes are: High School Diploma Programme is to help student get 6-year Canadian High school education and gain high-school diploma; The University Pathway Programme is to facilitate student (usually Grade 12 students) get into the fast track to get high-school diploma; Moreover, High School Elite Programme offered by Drumheller Vally Secondary School aims at giving extra study and life care to international students, assisting them to get best high school education and preparing them for top university application.

Canadian High School Diploma Programme

High School Diploma Programme consists of junior courses and senior courses. 5 out of GHSD 44 schools accept international students. Moreover, these five high schools are also proud of professional staff and advanced facilities serving well international students.

Junior High School(Grade 7-9)

GHSD High School Junior Course is composed of core subjects and elective subjects. Students have to take both of core and elective courses in order to get well-round academic training:


  • Core Subjects: English / Science / Social Science / Mathematics / Physical Education / Health and Life Skills  

  • Selective Subjects: Career and Technology Studies / Foreign Language / Art / Drama / Music / Outdoor Events


Junior High School(Grade 10-12)

GHSD High School Senior Course is composed of core subjects and elective subjects. Within three years in senior high school, students have to earn 100 credits and pass exam for the diploma:


  • Core Subjects: Mathematics / Chemical / Biology / Physics / Social Science / Science / Health and Life Skills  

  • Selective Subjects: Art / Drama / Foreign Language / Finance Management / Business / Fashion Design / Outdoor Events

CA$ 10,900 per year
CA$10,100 per year for School Dorm
CA$ 8,000 per year for Homestay

The University Pathway Programme

The University Pathway Programme is the special one only for high school graduates or Grade 12 students to get Canadian Alberta high-school diploma within 7 months (fast-track). Canadian high-school diploma is world wildly recognized and also eligible certificate for top university application in Canada, US, UK, Australia and other European countries.​


College Application Tips

University/College Admission Officer usually take the followed aspects to evaluate applicant for college study


High-school academic performance:

  • Grade 12 courses

  • English proficiency and Overall Quality 


Academic requirement

  • 60-70% for college admission

  • 70% above for university admissio         

This 7-month University Pathway Programme is only open to international high-school graduates or international students in the final high-school year. The programme aims at helping student lay the solid foundation in both language and academic aspect for college application and study.


  • Core Subjects: English / Society / Mathematics / Physics / Biology / Literature / Drama  

  • ESL Course: Intensive ESL offered to student in need of improving their English


CA$ 10,900 per year
CA$10,100 per year for School Dorm
CA$ 8,000 per year for Homestay

High School Elite Programme

High School Elite Programme of GHSD is open to international students only and meant for students who are series about academic achievement and post-secondary study possibilities. This programme aim at help international students gain Alberta high-school diploma and prepare for college programme in Alberta. Different from other GHSD programmes, High School Elite programme not only gives international students high school training but also offers extra care and services to international students in aspect of study and life. This programme is provided only in Drumheller Valley Secondary School with dormitory.

Programme Features

  • Enhanced support and programming
  • Learn English specialized assistance 
  • Intensive and individualized attention prior to arrival and during study in Canada 
  • Transition to post-secondary made easy 
  • Engage in Canadian Culture 
  • This programme provide huge enhancement to succeed with the world renowned Alberta curriculum in the safe and caring community of Drumheller, Alberta 

Extra Services

  • Letter of intent, specific to High School Elite Programme, from the University of Alberta

  • Enhanced ESL (English as Secondary Language) support

  • ESL testing prep course and Diploma exam prep courses

  • Enhanced progress monitoring and reporting

  • Extensive one-om-one advising and tracking from a qualified, dedicated academic advisor

--University application assistance, from initial application to follow-up

--Arranging for tutoring for students

--Arrange for a conversation partner once a week

--Planned activities throughout the school year, each aimed at learning more about the area and Canadian culture

CA$ 18,150 per year
CA$10,100 per year for School Dorm
CA$ 8,000 per year for Homestay
    ESL stands for English as a Secondary Language and is an intensive English training course for non-native English speakers. ESL is also mandatory language course for international students if she/he intends to study in English-speaking countries. GHSD offers professional and effective ESL courses to all international students with purpose of improving student’s English level in listening, speaking, reading and writing as well as lay a solid language foundation for future academic study.
Student service fee: CA$ 600 per year   Medical & Insurance fee: CA$ 600 per year



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加拿大地址:435A Highway #1
Strathmore, Alberta, Canada, T1P 1J4
           852-2110 3342(香港/澳門)

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